

Friday, November 11, 2011

War Room in Pune

Service progress in India 

I know everyone was expecting my Diwali blog but I just had to put this one up first!  Dave's dream since arriving in India (other than having me here!  Oh and eating a great burger! HA!) has been to have one central service center.  That dream has been realized after a lot of very hard work!

It started off as a blank canvas.  A room that no one was using!  Nothing in it but great light from windows!!  Every one knows it is important for a service center to have lots of sun coming in because you are taking calls all day and most of them are customers that are not very happy!  That is where the sunshine comes in handy!!  : )  Can you believe this room was not being used??

War Room before renovations

War Room before renovations

After lots of thought and meetings the carpenters finally start!  Remember now, all this furniture is being built from scratch! I don't mean buy at Ikea and put together, I mean totally from scratch!!!

War Room in progress

War Room in progress

War Room in progress

War Room in progress

War Room in progress

War Room in progress

The room was completed in record time once every one was on board thanks to Samina!!  Samina, did you have a whip?  : )  Kidding!!!

Tada!!!!  War Room Completed!!!!

Dave in War Room finished

War Room finished

War Room finished

War Room finished

First comes the ribbon cutting!!!

David cutting ribbon to War Room

Dorina, Tarannum and Tulsi at ribbon cutting

Tulsi, Rakesh and Jyoti at ribbon cutting
Blessing of War Room
Now, the room needs to be blessed before any one can work in here.  In India, Ganesh, The Elephant God is always asked to bless a new adventure or business.  Ganesh is considered the God to remove obstacles!   The Pooja (Aarti) was beautiful!!  Dave, Haresh, Rakesh and Jyoti did a wonderful job!  Rakesh and Jyoti performed the ceremony for the Pooja and Dave and Haresh smashed the coconut and sprinkled the coconut water.

Tulsi getting Pooja ready

Haresh and Jyoti entering room for Pooja

Rakesh performing Pooja, putting Tilak on Ganesh

Offerings for Ganesh

Garland being placed on Ganesh by Jyoti

Sweets offered to Ganesh

Rakesh lighting oil for Pooja

Haresh asking for blessing on room

Dave breaking coconut

Rakesh sprinkling coconut water

Rakesh kissing floor, part of Pooja

Money offerings collected during Pooja

Stone used to crack coconuts

Staff clapping during Aarti ceremony

Staff clapping during Pooja ceremony

Incense being lit by Rakesh for Pooja

Guys in office clapping during Pooja

Every one had an opportunity to be part of the pooja.

Debbie performing Pooja

David being blessed by Rakesh with Tilak

Dorina performing Pooja

Samina blessing Tulsi

Samina blessing Nitin

Samina blessing Rakesh

Samina blessing Digambar

Samina blessing Tarannum

Samina blessing Haresh

Samina blessing Jyoti

Samina performing Pooja

The picture of Ganesh that will hang in the office is beautiful!!!

Dave and Debbie at Pooja ceremony in War Room in Pune!

Debbie and David during Pooja in War Room

Debbie and David in front of Ganesh

Dave, I love you and am very proud of you!!

Quick Indian lesson on the difference between a Pooja and an Aarti.  I used the word Pooja in this blog because the terms are often used synonymously.
Aarti is the offering of ghee lamps, candles etc. to the deities (murtis or "idols"). Basically a rite of light.
Pooja is more general worship.
Often in mandirs (temples) there will be a priest on the alter offering ghee lamps in an Arati while the people chant mantras and sing. Both the priest and the congregation are "performing arati."
Pooja is always an individual performing ritual worship.


David said...

Wow that looks so awesome now! Great Job Abuelo!

Amy Yasneski said...

Congratulations David and team! Love this blog as always! I am so glad to be able to learn through your blogs and see what happens. I am appreciatieve of the clarification between Aarti and Pooja too. Such interesting traditions! Amy

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